Shutter is a Thai horror along the same vein as Ring or Dark Water, and it concerns a young couple who are disturbed by strange images appearing on photos they have taken. Most of the images appear as smears, but the odd ghostly face does pop up.
Now, when I say 'along the same vein as...' what I really mean is that is is very, very similar to the other Asian horrors. Most of the jumps and scares come from familiar devices; a bloody face suddenly appearing in the frame: check; lights flickering and going out: check; evil looking young Asian girl with long hair slowly crawling out of something towards terrified onlooker: check.
This movie has the same 'seen it many times before' feel to it for most of the way, and with a plot device just clinging on for dear life (or afterlife). But, again like its peers, the end goes a long way to make up for the downfalls in the journey. Would really like to type more about it, but if you ever do get to see this movie (being a low key Asian horror, its not likely to get a major release so those who frequent Omagh cinema, don't hold your breath) I wont spoil the climax.
It was made in 2004 so is probably out in many countries already as some foreign movies take a while to get to these shores.
Worth a watch? Really only if you like to compare your Asian horrors and play 'spot the difference'. Is it scary? Well, I did watch it late at night, alone in a large, dark auditorium, with the whole of a 20 screen cinema to close by myself afterwards. So I'm going to say I was 'a little bit jumpy'.
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