Just when all hope was beginning to slip away, when expectations had been cut down time after time, be it the bitter disappointment left by Spider-man 3, or the confused bewilderment felt after three+ hours of Pirates of The Caribbean: At Worlds End, along comes an old friend to show that the world is still going onwards.
The fourth installment of Die Hard, with Bruce Willis back in the driving seat as John McClane, is an action-packed, explosion-filled, roller coaster ride of fun and excitement that has been lacking in the big hitters so far. Its as good as the original, and it feels like it increases in size the same as the others: the original in a tower building, the next an airport, then a city, this installment takes in a large portion of the eastern seaboard of the USA. The set pieces within the movie increase in strength and intensity as the story marches relentlessly onwards and all the while Brucey delivers the expected kick-ass witty one liners. He's older, balder and a lot less agile, but that doesn't matter in the slightest as he jumps from speeding vehicles, jumps onto speeding vehicles and gets thrown about by explosion after explosion. He kills a helicopter with a car for christs sake! Its also good to see that he hasn't gained any morals during the absence.
The story of Die Hard 4.0 sees an evil guy bringing the US to its knees via computers and the Internet. Then john McClane saves the day. By shooting lots of people and blowing shit up, the old fashioned way of doing things. And long may it last says I. Still haven't stopped smiling since seeing it, not only the best Blockbuster this year to date, but one of the most enjoyable movies of the year. So much action in it, I felt knackered when it ended. The standard has been set, the competition so far has been decimated by this Adrenalin charged blockbuster. It now lies with Transformers to put up a fight...
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