Sunday, 15 April 2007

If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits eighty-eight miles per hour... you're gonna see some serious shit.


They said it couldn't be done.

But I did it...

Simon sorted out the Intermanet-majobbie-thingymajig all by his lonesome. Success is mine. Well, almost- computer really crap and slow so I need to invite my nerdy mate Ste round to poke the inside of it.

So... been a while. Lots done (I think) since I last updated. Lets see now... oh yes, moved house. That's pretty major I suppose. Moved out of Chez Milverton and up to the wonderful land of Salford. Managed to do that while fitting in about 60 hours of work that week. Not bad. Ally has since come over and joined me in this lovely two bedroom house, a mere 10 minutes walk from the city centre. I have no money, still need to sort out a few bills and that sort of thing, but all is well.
The weather in Manchester has been amazing of late, better than (apparently) mainland Europe. I mention this for one reason. I hardly see the outside world at all. I work in a building that is inside a larger building with no windows, and I now live between the walls of the inner building which means I now get minus sunlight. I do about 11/12 hours a day without really seeing anyone. A little more of this and I will not be distinguishable from your average C.H.U.D.
But can't complain. I'm sure I have done lots of other things in the (almost) month since my last update, but work beckons in under an hour and I can't think.

Oh yes, mother stopped by at the start of April. Off to see Jen for 10 days in South Korea, then popping over to see Peter in Shanghai for 5 or so days. It was nice that my own mother could afford to find a few hours to fit me in. At Manchester Airport. And only while waiting for a flight...

Anyway, I'm sure I can come up with some other news, but it will have to be another time, as work does indeed beckon.

But don't forget, tell your friends tell your families;
Simon is back...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great to see you housed and back online with Ally by your side - we all await the continuation of your excellent blog. And your Mum is just waiting for you to get settled in so she can visit - would you seriously have wanted her to stay with you in your last "place"!!!!