Well, another few days pass by without so much as a whistle from Simon towards his blog. Quick recap then- worked over the weekend, and met Mum at the airport for the return journey of her little excursion to the other side of the world. And, would you believe it, my own mother is plying me with alcohol! A lovely big bottle of Jim Beam to chase away all of my ills. Must put that to good use (purely medicinal, you understand). By all accounts mum had a fantastic time, but must have liked the few hours stopping over in Manchester best of all- she came back for a second time! Just went on facebook and pinched this photo of the Twins Gordon with Mammy, taken in the warm sunshine of Donegal in December.
By-the-by, those glasses I am wearing, as well as that lovely scarf, both were lost on the same night. The scarf to a horrible cloak room attendant who took the wit and charm of Mr j. Wright and myself the wrong way, and my glasses to some thieving gippo scumbag who probably has a faint smell of eggs and permanent cap hair. I think. Was a terribly drunk night so these versions of events are to be taken 'loosely'.
Missed the footy again tonight. Most annoying- another cracking match by all accounts. Will miss the footy tomorrow night. This whole work-when-the-footballs-on malarkey has to be totally rethunk (I know I should really put 'rethought', but when I typed that word I had a real feel for it. So rethunk it shall stay).
Right-so, it is now after 1 in the morning, the rain is lashing against the patio doors, and I feel a slight tickle of a sore throat coming on. With work looming once again tomorrow, I shall take my leave of all you folk and climb the stairs to slumberdom.
Night night.
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