By-the-by, those glasses I am wearing, as well as that lovely scarf, both were lost on the same night. The scarf to a horrible cloak room attendant who took the wit and charm of Mr j. Wright and myself the wrong way, and my glasses to some thieving gippo scumbag who probably has a faint smell of eggs and permanent cap hair. I think. Was a terribly drunk night so these versions of events are to be taken 'loosely'.
Missed the footy again tonight. Most annoying- another cracking match by all accounts. Will miss the footy tomorrow night. This whole work-when-the-footballs-on malarkey has to be totally rethunk (I know I should really put 'rethought', but when I typed that word I had a real feel for it. So rethunk it shall stay).
Right-so, it is now after 1 in the morning, the rain is lashing against the patio doors, and I feel a slight tickle of a sore throat coming on. With work looming once again tomorrow, I shall take my leave of all you folk and climb the stairs to slumberdom.
Night night.
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