Thursday, 28 June 2007

Wednesday, 27 June 2007
Die Hard 4.0

Hostel Part 2

Shrek the Third

All New Film Review. See it Here, See it Now!

Monday, 11 June 2007
Blast from the (recent) Past
Dancing on the Hill
Put here for the records as I was trying to find it the other day for someone but couldn't.
Fly the Flag

Peter posted this as well, but seeing as he nicked it off me (I stole it from someone else, but that's not important right now), it is my right, nay, my obligation to post it on my site. Because it is a cracking picture.
If someone, and the chances are pretty slim, wanders across this blog and doesn't understand the meaning behind this pic, it stems from the Northern Ireland football supporters and the chant "We're not Brazil, we're Northern Ireland", because as you're probably aware, the teams are quite similar. They both play in green. Except Brazil, who play in yellow. And are both pretty high up the Fifa rankings; one maybe not as close as the other, but still, pretty close. The most significant difference is that Northern Ireland have playing for them the most prolific striker in international football. HEALY! HEALY! So no, We're not Brazil, We're Northern Ireland.
Can't think of a witty title...
Well, I guess that I haven't been updating as frequently because since the last Blog I have been in work every day. Some good shifts were had, some horrible shifts were had. Like Saturday when I woke up on a couch in the middle of Withington, with only 30 minutes to get to work, a banging head and curry spilled all over my favourite shirt. Mm, that fabulous madras and beer smell all shift. Wonderful. Sunday was a long one from 11.30 in't morning to 12.40 that night. It may be a sign of my (not so young anymore) age, but my feet hurt today, so I am not going to leave the house. And I might not tomorrow either. The reason for this is a wonderful WEEK OFF WORK! Ohh joy of joys. I do have a lot to do, such as haircut and all sorts of financial whoo-haas to sort, but dammit, I am going to sit in my pants all day and enjoy the hot weather.
Mother and Father arrive over in the exotic climes of Manchester on Thursday, and while I hope they enjoy the visit to this historic and colourful city, I hope they take me out of this stinking, festering cesspit of so-called 'civilisation' for a few days at least. It is lovely weather though. As I found out when I went to pour milk into my morning coffee and discovered the heat had transformed it into a new sort of thick, slimy 'matter' instead. Thank you Summer. That's a point to you.
Oh yes, went to a Tom McCrae gig on Saturday evening. He's the fella I travelled down to London to check (refer to earlier blog). Was fantastic gig, lasted two hours. I was thoroughly sick of standing by the end of it, as was Ally, but great stuff. Although I still owe Mr John Bardsley the ticket money. Paying for stuff takes the fun out of stuff. And on that inspirational and insightful quote, I shall take my leave.
Until next time...
Sunday, 3 June 2007
Buxton. Where they make the water.
Anyhow, today was a day off, and as the weather was smiling and I haven't been out of Manchester much this year, the fair Ally and myself headed to the charming village that is Buxton, where they have the world famous Buxton Spa (it is world famous, it says it on the website. Although Mum hadn't heard of it. Couldn't be that famous then) and the equally famous water. In saying that though, the Spa is probably famous because of the water, so maybe that's one point instead of two... oh, who cares, it's not a game anyway (but just for the record, I win).
There were trees and grass a-plenty, lots of older folk and an air of not Manchester. Brilliant. We walked for quite a time through the quaint-but-expensive-to-live-in looking streets and made our way to Pooles Cavern, where we had an informative foray into 'the most spectacular showcase cave in Britain'. Which was nice. Lots of stalactites and stalagmite's to look at. After that a bit more walking until food.
In this very pleasant town- and pleasant is the right world- we encountered one scally who, as he cycled past, shouted out "Hello. I'm very happy today." Not quite the extreme obscenities that we're used to in Manchester.
Tomorrow we travel even further- to Rusholme! (which is in Manchester, but is a whole lot more 'exotic')