Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Behind these eyes, one finds only darkness...

This Halloween, along with the usual serving of the next Saw movie, we have yet another remake of a classic horror. John Carpenters 'Halloween' has been remade. Before you start groaning and rolling the eyes at yet another remake (although a lot of horror remakes have been surprisingly good, see 'Hills Have Eyes' and 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre'), this film is being made by Rob Zombie, bringer of the gems 'House of 1000 Corpses' and 'The Devils Rejects'. Now these movies may not be the most brilliantly directed, and some of the scenes are over long and disjointed, but they are as gory and scare-filled as you like, so check out this trailer and have a bit of a look-see:


Mr H said...

Good god no! I remember Pete telling me to watch the Devils Rejects.

2 months later the trauma had faded enough that I could leave mum and dads house.

Jen said...

Looks interesting. Two questions though: why is it out in August? And why does kid Michael look like a girl?