Monday, 21 May 2007

Lazy Afternoons are Brilliant


After quite a slow 13 hour shift yesterday, I got up this morning and proceeded to do... very little. I was up early enough, 10.30 in the a.m to be exact, and I have bummed around doing as few things as possible. Now, its not that I have done nothing; I have hoovered the front room, made Ally a breakfast of rice and peas and made myself a lovely dinner of spuds and bacon. The rest of the time has been spent playing Resident Evil 4, or locked in a grudge match of Checkers with Peter, whilst Classic FM plays in the background. Delightful.

Its coming to an end though, as I have to go to work at 6. That means having to actually get dressed and walk into town while everybody else is leaving work.

So, apologies for just how boring and useless this post actually is, but I guess I'm trying to avoid the inevitable getting set for work for as long as possible. Plus I needed to add something or else all you people would forget about me.

Anyway, time marches ever on, and so must I.

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