Friday, 27 April 2007

Suzie and the sauce

Found this photo of Suzie. She was a pleasant dog most of the time, light hearted and quick with a joke. But when she had a feed of drink inside her, watch out, that dog could be a mean drunk...

Wednesday, 25 April 2007

Kill some time, Balance a ball...

Here's a quick little flash game for all out there with the edges of boredom starting to fuzz the lines of the day. Dad in particular should like this little ditty, though I doubt he would last past.. 15 seconds. The challenge has been made.

Quick, they're not looking! Update!

Well, another few days pass by without so much as a whistle from Simon towards his blog. Quick recap then- worked over the weekend, and met Mum at the airport for the return journey of her little excursion to the other side of the world. And, would you believe it, my own mother is plying me with alcohol! A lovely big bottle of Jim Beam to chase away all of my ills. Must put that to good use (purely medicinal, you understand). By all accounts mum had a fantastic time, but must have liked the few hours stopping over in Manchester best of all- she came back for a second time! Just went on facebook and pinched this photo of the Twins Gordon with Mammy, taken in the warm sunshine of Donegal in December.

By-the-by, those glasses I am wearing, as well as that lovely scarf, both were lost on the same night. The scarf to a horrible cloak room attendant who took the wit and charm of Mr j. Wright and myself the wrong way, and my glasses to some thieving gippo scumbag who probably has a faint smell of eggs and permanent cap hair. I think. Was a terribly drunk night so these versions of events are to be taken 'loosely'.
Missed the footy again tonight. Most annoying- another cracking match by all accounts. Will miss the footy tomorrow night. This whole work-when-the-footballs-on malarkey has to be totally rethunk (I know I should really put 'rethought', but when I typed that word I had a real feel for it. So rethunk it shall stay).
Right-so, it is now after 1 in the morning, the rain is lashing against the patio doors, and I feel a slight tickle of a sore throat coming on. With work looming once again tomorrow, I shall take my leave of all you folk and climb the stairs to slumberdom.
Night night.

Saturday, 21 April 2007

A late Adios to Pepe...

This little homage to the greatest (and possibly dumbest) dog does come a little late as Pepe left these mortal shores almost a month ago, but here it is finally. Pepe wasn't the most imaginative of dogs, nor was she the bravest, but did tick all boxes for a great and loyal friend (although would probably sell you out for a piece of bread). Following on from the last entry, I will miss trekking the fields around home with Pepe by my side, watching her jet off now and again to chase after rabbits and cows (although the bunny's always escaped, and the cows fought back).
A little 'unmotivated' in latter years, Peps still had a good innings, was much loved, and will be greatly missed by the Gordon clan. I'm sure Paul especially will miss those daily danders down to the crossroads and beyond. Like her mother before her, Pepe was a true member of the family.


Tyrone cows in the rolling hills of the largest and prettiest (well, as long as you don't think too much about Fermanagh) of all counties the north has to offer. This time of year when the trees are blossoming and the plants are... um... blossoming too, the grass looks greener, the smells a little richer and all the colours are just a little sharper. And the cows are... well, pretty much the same as always. So different from the bustling, noisy, polluted ways of the city. Must really get back for a wee bit of a holiday soon.

Friday, 20 April 2007

Who Cut The...

Cheese. Its fantastic, isn't it? So much variety, so much taste to be had. Also could be a sign that I'm getting old; cheese of course being nothing more than adult sweets. At the minute I am tucking into some wensleydale with cranberries. Very fruity. Cheese and beer. Pretty sure that's one of the all-time 'classic' combinations, like pizza and beer, and chicken and... er... beer. But isn't beer great? The best thing about having a place to yourself is the knowledge that when you spend all day at work and the only thing getting you through that day is the one solitary cold beer in the fridge, it's still going to be there when you get in that night.

Not an awful lot to this entry, just wanted to share my enjoyment of cheese and beer after a long shift at work. Have a good night.

Tuesday, 17 April 2007

People in the USA who have Stolen my Name
LogoThere are
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

Welcome back to the land of the livin'... NOW PICK UP A SHOVEL AND GET DIGGING!

Well today is indeed special. This is my second day off in a row. And it's really sunny outside. Fantastic. Might go to the cinema today...

No, none of that today, thank you. This day will continue from a cracking end to yesterday when, whilst out wandering, I came upon one of the greatest places (if not the greatest) on earth, a place where all troubles pale into nothing, and the people who inhabit such a magnificent arena of fantasy seem like angels. Yep, you've probably guessed it... I happened across a

There was a dazzling light, the sweet perfume of warehouse air conditioning and the largest ride-on-lawnmower I had ever clapped my newly-enlightened eyes upon. After what seemed like an eternity I managed to regain the power of speech and, in a croaky voice, ask one of the orange-aproned apostles the way to the light bulbs. With a reverend grunt and a magical flick of the wrist he beckoned me towards aisle 26. Wow! 26! I would have to walk for miles through this wondrous house of curiosity, no doubt encountering all sorts of astonishing adventures on the way.

Adventures aplenty indeed. But those stories are not for telling right now. No, bigger and better things awaited after the epic journey to aisle 26. When I got there... bear with me now, words are failing when I remember back to that enlightened moment that shall be forever emblazoned on my mind... when I reached my destination, the CHOICE that I was confronted with! It was as if all the little people (elves and such) of the world who make all the godly goods of this land, gathered together and created more light bulbs than there are blades of grass Ireland. It was a sight that needs to be seen as no written account can ever give it justice.

Now, as if this experience was not enough to fill several lives, I then came upon THE GARDEN SECTION!!! SO MANY PLANTS AND POTS AND TREES AND SHEDS!!!!!!!! I may be a hardy, of the Earth, stony faced man, but... I cried. At least (regain some dignity, dammit) I shed a tear. Then it all got too much for me, and I had to leave (my dinner was ready) but today I SHALL RETURN...

Monday, 16 April 2007


"We've lost control. Kill everyone..."

Check out this fantastic trailer, and hold your breath until May 11th. This could be one hell of a sequel...

Also, try and see Danny Boyle's current film 'Sunshine'. The best movie I have seen so far this year, one hell of a sci-fi; on par with 'Event Horizon'.

Sunday, 15 April 2007

If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits eighty-eight miles per hour... you're gonna see some serious shit.


They said it couldn't be done.

But I did it...

Simon sorted out the Intermanet-majobbie-thingymajig all by his lonesome. Success is mine. Well, almost- computer really crap and slow so I need to invite my nerdy mate Ste round to poke the inside of it.

So... been a while. Lots done (I think) since I last updated. Lets see now... oh yes, moved house. That's pretty major I suppose. Moved out of Chez Milverton and up to the wonderful land of Salford. Managed to do that while fitting in about 60 hours of work that week. Not bad. Ally has since come over and joined me in this lovely two bedroom house, a mere 10 minutes walk from the city centre. I have no money, still need to sort out a few bills and that sort of thing, but all is well.
The weather in Manchester has been amazing of late, better than (apparently) mainland Europe. I mention this for one reason. I hardly see the outside world at all. I work in a building that is inside a larger building with no windows, and I now live between the walls of the inner building which means I now get minus sunlight. I do about 11/12 hours a day without really seeing anyone. A little more of this and I will not be distinguishable from your average C.H.U.D.
But can't complain. I'm sure I have done lots of other things in the (almost) month since my last update, but work beckons in under an hour and I can't think.

Oh yes, mother stopped by at the start of April. Off to see Jen for 10 days in South Korea, then popping over to see Peter in Shanghai for 5 or so days. It was nice that my own mother could afford to find a few hours to fit me in. At Manchester Airport. And only while waiting for a flight...

Anyway, I'm sure I can come up with some other news, but it will have to be another time, as work does indeed beckon.

But don't forget, tell your friends tell your families;
Simon is back...