Well, it has been a while since the last entry, but in my defence I was distracted by Swedish means. The Swede in question was none other than the delectable Ally, who stopped by for five days to see what was going on this side of the water. Returning to Manchester after an absence of a few months, I'm sure she was dazzled by the changes that have occurred in this fair city, such as..., aah ..., emm..., well, okay, not really a lot of change, but I'm sure that Miss Alexandra enjoyed herself. This particular picture was not actually taken in Manchester (I'm sure those in the know would be quick to point out that Manchester is not beside the sea) but was in fact taken back at the end of January in Helsingborg, Sweden (that being the city where Henrik Larsson plays his club football when not on loan at Man Utd). If you look really carefully, you can see Denmark in the upper right hand side. Two countries in the one photo. Only I could be so kind.
Anyway, back to the now (well, recent past to be precise as i am currently going on about what has happened). Unfortunately, due to work, I was unable to be around for the last couple of days of the visit (20 hours worked over two days. Sorry Ally) but I'm sure she had a good time. I mean, it is ENGLAND after all, where the people are pleasant and the weather is fine... oh yeah, sorry again Ally.
Good food was eaten, good people were seen and a golly fine time had by all. I hope. I was at work after all so I don't really know... But of course it was a good time. And I have just received a message from the fair Ally so now we all know she is back safe and sound in Swedenland where they have FANTASTIC doors.
By the way, just to reassure Mr Robbie, my loyalties on the 28th of March lie totally with the boys in green when the mighty Norn Irun will be triumphant over the Swedes.
Mr Robbie.... a new nick name...but I am liking your work. Just add Lord to the middle.
So with Mr Rainey, Adams and yourself in sweden I think a big branding Iron with the "traitor" on it is required.
wow! tell me more about those doors!
And yes, I agree with mr robbie. So called Norn Irun fans all being in or connected with Sweden points to a conspiracy of SWEDISH FANS. Damn you all. c'mon robbie, let's sing
We're not brazil (or Sweden) we're Northern Ireland etc.
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