Bloody Hell! Where is the year going? It's already a good dent into April , though the snow outside would belie that fact, and it hardly seems any time since I was off to Shanghai at the end of January. Oh yes, I had promised to tell you all about that, didn't I? Even show you photographs and what not. Well, as far as the photos are concerned, they are still on Mr Peters laptop, haven't quite got round to transferring them yet. And as for a blow by blow description about the trials and tribulations of Simon's trip to the Orient, well I'll sum it up with three F's:
Food was amazing, and hardly the same dish was returned to the whole holiday, bar a few exceptions such as dumplings (little bags of yum) and big mac. Yes, that's right, McDonald's. Not out of any "I have to have western fast food, I can't stand it any longer" mentality, but rather for the novel 'getting it delivered at 1 in the morning'. Sheer brilliance. Along with beer of course. Of which lots was consumed.As it was Chinese new year, Shanghai was full of explosions and lights with every living soul blowing shit up for fun. Probably an ancient, mystical reasoning behind the whole fireworks malarkey but essentially it's people blowing shit up. And very impressive it was too.My holiday also coincided with the coldest winter seen in Shanghai in over 50 years. Add my brothers heating not working, stick Simon in the coldest room imaginable and you get one freezing holiday. It was a cracking vacation but I don't recall ever being as cold for as long in my life.Lots of stories and experiences that I could recant but I am quite lazy, the growing time between blogs testament to that, so you will have to make do with what little I have typed.
Really, the only thing I have been up to recently (as well as spending working hours between walls) is playing the magnificent war opus that is Call of Duty 4. Having dedicated a good slice of my waking hours to the game, I can say without hesitation that i was born to shoot people in the head. Well, not really, but nothing this year has tickled me as much as getting that precise head shot from the other side of the map with my M40A3 sniper rifle. Sad? Yes. Pathetic? Its definitely on the border. But I don't have a girlfriend and money is tight so what else am I meant to do?
Also in the Simon news of late, the shock story of the missing facial hair! The beard is gone, at least for the time being. Will it return? A resounding YES, for i do miss it so. But when? That is the question. And one that is unanswerable at present. My face is cold and I look strange, but we'll try out this situation for a little while, see if it pays off.Anyway, at work at present and those films won't start themselves (actually, they could. I'm not as important as i like to let on).